How climate-smart techniques are giving Thailand’s farms a boost

June 6, 2023 | Devex |

Thailand is adopting climate-smart techniques in its agricultural sector to ensure a more sustainable food supply chain amid global food insecurity caused by climate change, conflict, and the COVID-19 pandemic. The country is using methods such as laser land leveling, canal-style irrigation systems, and the implementation of agroecological approaches to improve yields and resilience. Laser land leveling prevents rainwater from destroying crops, while canal irrigation systems and changes in land use patterns help manage water more effectively. Agroecology practices, such as using earthworm casts as organic fertilizer and promoting stress-tolerant rice varieties, are also being adopted. These techniques aim to increase income for farmers, improve soil fertility, and mitigate climate change impacts. Thailand's efforts highlight the potential of climate-smart methods to address the climate, food, and nutrition crises, provided there is continued support from the government.