Digital Earth Australia - Satellite imagery to inform Australia

Digital Earth Australia, Geoscience Australia | Source |

Digital Earth Australia (DEA) is a program under Geoscience Australia, with a mission to integrate satellite imagery and data into decisions that promote a sustainable environment, resilient society, and strong economy in Australia. DEA provides easy access to over 30 years of landscape imagery and data from US and European satellites through interactive maps, web tools, and services, facilitating planning, monitoring, and problem-solving. By equipping government, industry, and communities with analysis-ready data and high-performance computing infrastructure, DEA unlocks the value of satellite observations across various sectors, including environmental management, agriculture, emergency management, and mining. Collaboration with international partners and organizations strengthens DEA's efforts in creating innovative data products and raising awareness of Earth observation technology's potential for societal benefit and economic growth.

DEA offers a suite of tools, datasets, and analytical capabilities that enable users to visualize, analyze, and extract information from satellite imagery and related data. Key datasets include land cover, fractional cover, mangroves, wetlands and surface reflectance.