Soil and Landscape Grid of Australia

Australian Government | Source |

The Soil and Landscape Grid of Australia is a collaborative effort by researchers from across the country to create detailed digital maps of soil and landscape attributes. Offering relevant, consistent, and comprehensive nationwide data in an easily-accessible format, the Grid presents high-resolution (3 arc-seconds) digital soil and landscape attribute maps with estimates of reliability. It leverages the best available data from existing databases, new sensor measurements, and spatial modeling to provide a first approximation of national scale maps. These datasets are designed to be continuously updated and improved over time as new resources, data, and advanced technologies become available. All products are freely available under a Creative Commons Attribution License.

Soil attributes provided include, Bulk Density (Whole Earth), Organic Carbon, Clay, Silt, Sand, pH Soil Water, pH CaCl2, Available Water Capacity, Total Nitrogen, Total Phosphorus, Effective Cation Exchange Capacity, Depth of Regolith, Depth of Soil, Coarse Fragments.

Landscape attributes provided include Slope (%), Slope Relief Classification, Aspect, Relief 1000m Radius, Relief 300m Radius, Topographic Wetness Index, Topographic Position Index, Partial Contributing Area, MrVBF, Plan Curvature, Profile Curvature, Prescott Index, SRAD Net Radiation January, SRAD Net Radiation July, SRAD Total Shortwave Sloping Surface January, SRAD Total Shortwave Sloping Surf July.