Regional Carbon Farming? An Italian Example

February 23, 2023 | ARC2020 |

The Rete Rurale Nazionale (RRN) has proposed a pioneering approach to carbon farming, focusing on district-level certification schemes. By implementing agroforestry practices, farmers can produce sustainability credits sold to livestock farmers. This initiative underscores the importance of local governance in climate change mitigation, with regional authorities playing a key role.

The governance structure involves district governance bodies, higher authorities with technical committees, credit sellers, and buyers. The "Measure, Avoid, Reduce, Compensate" (MARC) approach ensures that buyers first take steps to reduce emissions before purchasing credits, enhancing the effectiveness of the program.

Transparency and integrity are ensured through public registries managed by district bodies, providing visibility into emissions and credit transactions. Monitoring periods for credit issuance vary, and credits cannot be resold to maintain transparency and credibility. Verification processes, including spot checks, further uphold integrity.

Lessons from RRN's approach highlight the importance of integrity, transparency, and verification in regional carbon farming governance. The model facilitates local transition dynamics and fosters collaboration among stakeholders. Similar initiatives are emerging across Europe, indicating a growing trend towards regional carbon farming governance, albeit with variations in implementation and governance structures.