Smart transformation of agriculture in Yunlin, moving towards a Net Zero (In Chinese)

March 26, 2023 | Economics Daily, Taiwan |


The Yunlin County Government has won the 2023 Smart City Innovation Award for its project "AI-Driven ESG Smart Farming Demonstration Site - Yunlin Agriculture Carbon-Neutral Transformation Service." This project aims to construct a locally distinctive smart agriculture system, balancing industry development, food security, and environmental sustainability. Through digital and green transformation, agriculture is upgraded, productivity is enhanced, and alignment with international carbon reduction trends is achieved.

The project, trialed in Shuilin Township and Dapi Township, focuses on smart greenhouses and smart farms. Smart greenhouses utilize sensors to monitor and automate irrigation and nutrient supply, achieving precise cultivation and labor savings. Collaboration with Chung Hsing University quantifies greenhouse carbon sequestration, ensuring soil carbon increase. Smart farms feature intelligent environmental control buildings powered by solar energy, addressing energy needs, and automated loading systems, solving labor demands.

The Yunlin County Government believes that agriculture plays an essential role in achieving the 2050 net-zero emission goal. Establishing the 2040 Yunlin Agricultural Carbon-Neutral Pathway will contribute to realizing the net-zero emission goal, rallying consensus for agricultural sustainability. The success of this project demonstrates the feasibility of agricultural transformation and brings a glimmer of hope for global agriculture. Looking ahead, Yunlin agriculture will move towards greater prosperity and sustainability under the guidance of smart and green transformation.