Explainer: Why are European farmers protesting the EU’s Green Rules?

February 09, 2024 |

Farmers across Europe have taken to the streets in recent weeks, protesting against proposed agricultural reforms by the European Union (EU). Demonstrations in Germany, France, Belgium, and other countries have disrupted cities, with farmers expressing concerns about livelihoods, rising costs, and unfair competition. The protests coincide with a geopolitical context marked by trade relations with Ukraine and the energy crisis following Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Farmers argue that trade liberalization with Ukraine threatens their competitiveness. Additionally, climate change-induced extreme weather events have impacted crop yields, exacerbating financial strain. The EU's Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) revisions, focusing on sustainability, have drawn criticism for potentially decreasing competitiveness and favoring large corporations. In response to protests, the EU has delayed some green rules, allowing exemptions for environmentally friendly practices. However, challenges persist as the EU navigates between supporting farmers and addressing environmental concerns, with implications for agricultural sustainability and international relations.