Can you get rich by planting trees? Fuhua President Hong Qichang: Carbon sequestration project shall develop understory economy

December 09, 2023 | UDN, Taiwan

Taiwan's new Minister of Environmental Protection Peng Qiming stresses the importance of establishing appropriate method for setting carbon pricing during his inaguration.

Meanwhile, Chairman of Fuhua Electronics, Hong Qichang, suggests that Taiwan's small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are facing significant pressure regarding carbon fees and emissions reduction. To address these concerns, he advocates the development of carbon offset projects that not only emphasize the preservation of forest ecosystem, but also promote understory economies towards poverty alleviation and the active participation of local communities.

Fuhua Electronics has ventured into developing carbon offset project in Indonesia. From project startup to field visit and certification by Verra, then to finally obtaining carbon credits, the process would take about 3 years.