
Global Mangrove Alliance| Source | Data |  

The Global Mangrove Alliance unites NGOs, governments, scientists, and communities to protect and restore mangrove ecosystems. Formed in 2018, the alliance amplifies impact by pooling resources and expertise to strengthen coastal management and governance, education, disaster risk reduction, climate mitigation and adaptation related plans and policies; and accelerate the conservation and restoration of mangroves at scale.

Global Mangrove Watch (GMW) is an online platform providing remote sensing data to monitor mangrove ecosystems worldwide. It offers real-time information on mangrove changes, aiding conservationists, policymakers, and practitioners in addressing threats like illegal logging and tracking restoration efforts. Established in 2011, GMW's collaboration with organizations like Wetlands International and support from various foundations enhances its impact. Integrated with the Global Mangrove Alliance, GMW contributes to the goal of increasing global mangrove cover by 20% by 2030.