Course - Grounding Carbon Farming

September 14-20, 2024 | In-person | Normandy, France | Source

This immersive course focuses on the role of soil carbon in climate change mitigation, adaptation, and farm sustainability. Participants will explore environmental, social, and economic implications of soil carbon sequestration, understanding perspectives from various stakeholders. The course includes farm visits, lectures, field measurements, and stakeholder debates, concluding with a policy pitch presentation to the EU commission.

Learning Goals

  • Appraise the role of soils in climate change mitigation, adaptation, and farm sustainability.
  • Evaluate environmental, social, and economic implications of soil carbon sequestration.
  • Understand perspectives of different stakeholders on sustainability transitions.
  • Critically assess soil carbon-related policies and propose alternatives.


  • Gabriel Moinet, Alix Vidal: Soil Biology, Wageningen University
  • Ina Möller: Environmental Policy, Wageningen University
  • Claire Chenu: INRAE
  • Roman Hüppi: myclimate NGO
  • Laurent and Matthias Moinet: La ferme de Hyaumet
  • Gilles Colombet-Gourdon: La ferme du domaine de Merval

Course Outline

  • Day 1: Arrival and welcome dinner
  • Day 2: Lectures on soils in global carbon cycles and farm tour
  • Day 3: Theories and methods of monitoring soil carbon, field measurements, data analysis
  • Day 4: Soil carbon and sustainability, cider factory visit, farmer interviews
  • Day 5: Debate on European policies with experts, serious game
  • Day 6: Final assignment - policy pitch to EU commission, goodbye dinner
  • Day 7: Departure