Next-generation Climate Targets: A 5-Point Plan for NDCs

April 25, 2024 | World Resources Institute

Countries are preparing to announce new climate commitments under the Paris Agreement by early 2025, termed nationally determined contributions (NDCs), crucial for global climate action. Despite past efforts, current NDCs fall short, projecting a worrying global temperature increase of 2.5-2.9 degrees C by 2100, well above the 1.5 degrees C target set by scientists to avoid catastrophic impacts.

World Sources Institute hence proposed five-point plan outlines strategies for stronger NDCs:

  • Set 2035 targets and revise 2030 targets to align with net-zero and 1.5oC goals
  • Accelerate transforamtion with ambitious sectoral targets
  • Build resilience across all systems
  • Help catalyze investements and strenghten governance
  • Propmote people centered climate action

The plan emphasizes the need for countries to step up commitments, integrate sector-specific goals across energy, agriculture, and transportation, and prioritize adaptation measures to protect vulnerable communities. It underscores the role of NDCs in catalyzing global efforts to mitigate climate change's worst effects and calls for robust implementation backed by increased finance and multi-stakeholder collaboration. As nations prepare their submissions, the spotlight is on whether these strategies will catalyze the transformative action needed to secure a sustainable future.