Germany - Core Area Strategy – Sustainable Agri-Food Systems

Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development | Source Download

Introduction: To ensure sufficient, safe, and nutritious food for all within planetary boundaries, agricultural and food systems must evolve. This transformation requires enhanced effectiveness, efficiency, resilience, and sustainability. It should also support income, employment, and poverty reduction while balancing the rights of producers and consumers and conserving natural resources.

Key Areas of Intervention

  • Food and Nutrition Security
  1. Objective: Realize the human right to adequate food, especially for vulnerable populations.
  2. Approach: Support governments in the Global South to integrate food security measures into production, access, and social protection systems. Emphasize assistance in crisis situations and promote the importance of fish as a food source.
  • Rural Development
  1. Objective: Improve living conditions and prospects in rural areas, focusing on reducing urban-rural inequalities.
  2. Approach: Implement a territorial, integrated approach to rural governance, tenure rights, regional economic development, and natural resource conservation. Prioritize climate change mitigation and resilience.
  • Agriculture
  1. Objective: Strengthen sustainable agricultural value chains and enhance local and global market integration.
  2. Approach: Support smallholders through research, innovation, and investment to boost local value addition, income, and employment. Focus on climate adaptation, biodiversity protection, and sustainable consumption.
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