The Carbon Catalogue, carbon footprints of 866 commercial products from 8 industry sectors and 5 continents

Scientific Data| Source | Data 

Scientific Data is a peer-reviewed open-access journal for descriptions of datasets and research that advances the sharing and reuse of research data. Our primary content-type, the Data Descriptor, combines traditional narrative content with structured descriptions of data to provide a framework for data-sharing to accelerate the pace of scientific discovery. These principles are designed to align with and support the FAIR Principles for scientific data management and stewardship, which declare that research data should be Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable.

In 2020, a dataset of 866 product carbon footprints (PCFs) from 145 companies across 30 industry groups and 28 countries was created by a US research team led by Columbia University, showing trends in emissions and the impact of life cycle assessments (LCAs). This dataset, based on Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) data, is now available in a detailed and consistent format, enabling comprehensive analysis of product carbon footprints. The Carbon Catalogue is a comprehensive dataset that highlights the importance of PCFs in sustainability decisions. Each product entry provides details such as name, description, PCF (in kg CO2e), LCA protocol/standard, product weight, manufacturer’s industry, and country. For 421 products, it includes detailed PCF breakdowns across different life cycle stages. Additionally, for 250 products, it documents changes in PCFs and their causes.


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