
European Commission| Source | Data |  

The Agri-food Data Portal provides an interactive tool which shows the developmemt of 20 key indictors for the three dimentions of sustainability in agriculture and comprehensive data on European agriculture and the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). The portal aims to enhance transparency and inform stakeholders about various aspects of agricultural sustainability and policy.

  • Agri Sustainability Compass: An interactive tool showing the sustainability performance of EU agriculture across economic, social, and environmental dimensions, using 20 key indicators to track trends.
  • Ukraine Spotlight: Economic statistics assessing the impact of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on European farmers and food consumers.
  • Agri-food Markets: Data on agriculture markets, including imports, exports, prices, and production.
  • CAP Indicators: Measures the performance of the CAP, which supports farmers, rural development, and sustainable farming.
  • Farm Economics: Reports on EU farm productivity, profitability, subsidies, and financial structure based on the Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN).
  • Geoportals: Links to spatial data from Member States, collected through the Integrated Administration and Control System (IACS).
  • EU Financing: Information on CAP financial allocations for market measures, direct support, and rural development.
  • Country Factsheets: Overviews of agricultural and rural development performance in the EU and individual countries.
  • Food Supply and Security: Datasets monitoring and assessing food supply and security.