The International Conference on the Impacts of Soil Amendments on Dryland Agro-Ecosystems (ISFERALDA)

October 28-30, 2024 | In-person | Reims, France | Source 

This conference will address the critical role of soil amendments in enhancing the sustainability of dryland ecosystems, which cover 41% of the Earth's land and face challenges like low soil quality and water scarcity.

ISADAE 2024 aims to bring together researchers, PhD students, and policymakers to discuss and evaluate various soil amendments and their impacts on dryland agro-ecosystems. The conference will cover a range of topics, including:

  • Optimizing Crop Productivity and Ecosystem Services: Impact of soil amendments on productivity, sustainability, and resilience in drylands.
  • Soil Hydrological Processes and Water Management: Effects of amendments on water infiltration, retention, and irrigation efficiency.
  • Soil Biological Processes and Carbon/Nutrient Cycling: Influence of amendments on soil health, microbial communities, and nutrient cycling.
  • Degradation and Conservation Strategies: Addressing soil degradation, erosion, and conservation measures.
  • Economic Aspects of Soil Management: Practical, economic considerations for using soil amendments, including cost, availability, and waste valorization.
  • Climate Change Impacts and Strategies: Mitigation and adaptation strategies for soil and climate change, including carbon sequestration and greenhouse gas reduction.
  • ISFERALDA Special Topic: Improving soil fertility in arid and semi-arid regions using local date palm residues, focusing on innovative organic amendments.